Hiring strategies for startups

August 21, 2011 admin 1

Most people think that raising and managing money is the biggest challenge that a startup faces. However, if you ask experienced entrepreneurs, they will tell […]

Recruitment made easy – Recruiterbox.com

July 11, 2011 admin 0

Imagine you are small business trying to recruit. You get the word out, and soon enough, you have resumes trickling in to your inbox. It is tedious job to download, open and screen each attached resume, prepare excel sheets for scheduling and taking interviews. Recruiterbox helps small businesses organize all their hiring related information in one place.

Start your venture without ending up in a prison

July 9, 2011 admin 0

Starting a business in India requires entrepreneurs to comply with laws of the state. Often laws related to taxation, labour and employment and privacy get knowingly or unknowingly violated. This makes entrepreneurs criminally liable and could land them with prison time.

Essential Elements of a Founders’ Agreement

June 29, 2011 admin 1

Founders’ agreement is an essential document that one must look at before starting any business. We try to touch upon some of the important elements that should be included in a Founders’ agreement.

The Different Types of Business Entities in India

June 28, 2011 admin 3

Indian laws allow different types of business entities to be established such as Sole Proprietorship, Partnership Firm, Limited Liability Partnership, Private Limited Company and Public Limited Company. Choice of the business entity depends on various factors including taxation, liability, future growth strategy, investment and exit strategy.

Funding your startup without VC money

June 20, 2011 admin 0

If statistics are to be believed, most businesses never receive Angel or Venture capital funding. How do they survive and become successful in absence of such investment? The article helps one find ways to bootstrap their business when VC money is either no available or not an option.

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